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Monday, 20. July 2015. 14:57

Security and Defence Committee holds its 42nd meeting

2014 Performance Report of the National Security Agency considered


In the presence of Acting Director of the National Security Agency Mr Dejan Peruničić, the Committee considered 2014 Performance Report of the National Security Agency. Following the comprehensive discussion, members of the Committee supported the Report by a majority of votes, and with regard to that adopted the following conclusions:
1. The Committee requires from the National Security Agency to make the monitoring of activities of organised criminal groups one of its work priorities in the following period, particularly bearing in mind the threat to society posed by these groups, directly caused by a high level of organisation, number of members and their financial potential
2. The Committee deemed necessary the continuation of monitoring of security phenomena of Islamic religious extremism in the light of activities of a terrorist organisation, so-called Islamic State (ISIL), through operational engagement, intensive cooperation with regional and partnering services, implementation of joint operations and undertaking of other activities by all competent state bodies in line with regulations governing the said field.
3. In the forthcoming period, a special attention must be devoted to the issue of cyber risk, especially those characterised by a high level of IT knowledge and widespread structure, and with regard to that, budgetary funds must be planned timely for the purpose of providing a continuous education, strengthening of this organisational unit and modernising the system, thus creating preconditions for achieving good results and raising the level of informational and overall security.