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Thursday, 16. October 2014. 15:22

69th meeting of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget ended

In continuation of 69th meeting, the Committee held a control hearing of Mr Nenad Šoškić, director of PI Center of Contemporary Art, regarding the negative opinion of the State Audit Institution on auditing of the Annual Financial Statement for 2012 of this institution. 

The meeting was also attended by representatives of the State Audit Institution: Mr Branislav Radulović, member of the Senate and Mr Blažo Savković, Chief of Sector II, State Auditor. 

Member of the Senate of the State Audit Institution informed the Committee on the extent to which the recommendations of the Institution were implemented in order to remove the identified irregularities.

The Committee concluded that it would continue to monitor implementation of recommendations relating to the PI Center of Contemporary Art, which have not been implemented, or have been implemented partially.