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Tuesday, 28. January 2014. 10:24

The Committee on European Integration will hold a public debate on the topic “Montenegro and European Union – Free Movement of Capital”

The public debate will be held on 29 January 2014, starting at 11:00am.

The Committee on European Integration will organise the third public debate dedicated to the Negotiation Chapter 4 – Free Movement of Capital, on Wednesday 29 January, starting at 11:00am. The public debate will be held in the Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro.

Aimed at direct involvement of wider public in the negotiation process with the European Union and promotion of transparency and inclusiveness of the process itself, the Committee continues with the good practice of providing closer information to the citizens on certain chapters that are subject to the course of negotiations. The pubic debate will be an opportunity for the interested public and experts from the field of free movement of capital to present their views, opinions and suggestions, prior to consideration of the negotiation position for this chapter at the upcoming meeting of the Committee.

Specifically, the field of free movement of capital covers three segments: free movement of capital and payments, payment services and prevention of money laundering and funding of terrorism. In the current legislative framework these issues are regulated by the following laws: Law on Foreign Current and Capital Operations, Law on Foreign Investments, Law on Proprietary-Legal Relations, Law on State Surveying and Cadastre of Immovable Property, Law on Securities, Law on Insurance, Law on Investment Funds, Voluntary Pension Funds Law, Law on Central Bank of Montenegro, Law on National Payment Operations, and Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing.

Having in mind the significance of this field, both for functioning of the EU internal market as well as for Montenegro, which, by adopting the European standards, will provide numerous advantages for its citizens and commercial entities, we call for everyone who is interested to participate in this event and get acquainted with the contents of the said negotiation chapter, and to contribute with their suggestions to the EU accession negotiations of Montenegro.

It is necessary to send the requests for participation, along with personal data, to the following email:, no later than Monday 27 January 2014.