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Tuesday, 29. April 2014. 17:11

23rd meeting of the Committee on European Integration ends

Draft Negotiating Position of Montenegro for the Intergovernmental Conference on Montenegro’s EU Accession for Chapter 18 – Statistics positively assessed

At today's meeting of the Committee on European Integration, which has been closed to public, and attended by members and head of the Working Group Ms Gordana Radojević, members of the Committee considered the Draft Negotiating Position of Montenegro for negotiation chapter 18 – Statistics.

The participants of the meeting emphasise that statistics represents core stone for adopting good decisions, due to the fact that collected data in unbiased and predictable manner describe the social reality, and if combined with various variables, it is a road-sign for reaching decisions in the future. European Union statistics is based on firm cooperation of member states, respectively their official national statistical offices, which collect and analyse data and send them to Eurostat (Statistical Office of the European Union), whose mission is to provide good quality statistical information at the Union’s level.

Members of the Committee on European Integration unanimously decided to give a positive opinion on the Draft Negotiating Position of Montenegro for the Intergovernmental Conference on Montenegro’s EU Accession for Chapter 18 – Statistics, and it would inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.