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Thursday, 05. June 2014. 16:07

25th meeting of the Committee on European Integration ends

Proposal for amending the draft negotiation positions of Montenegro for chapters 2 and 28 unanimously adopted 

In the presence of Ms Arijana Vučinić-Nikolić, member of the Negotiating Group for Chapter 2 - Freedom of movement for workers, Ms Rada Marković, Head of the Working Group for Chapter 28 - Consumer and health protection and other representatives of the negotiating team, members of the Committee on European Integration considered the draft negotiating positions for the said chapters.

Following the presentation of the draft positions, i.e. national and European policies concerning the field of the two chapters, the following was unanimously adopted: Draft Negotiating Position of Montenegro for the Intergovernmental Conference on Montenegro's Accession to the European Union for Chapter 2 - Freedom of movement for workers and Draft Negotiating Position of Montenegro for the Intergovernmental Conference on Montenegro's Accession to the European Union for Chapter 28 - Consumer and health protection. Present members of the negotiating team agreed on the adopted changes, so those would become a part of negotiating positions. Afterwards, Committee members unanimously gave a positive opinion on the documents which were to contain the proposed changes, and the Committee would formally inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration on the concerned.

At the meeting, the Committee on European Integration reached a conclusion, about the project which should begin in autumn, including high school students who attend optional subject “European integration”, and the public would be informed thereof subsequently.

The meeting of the Committee was attended by members of the parliamentary committees which, according to the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament, have jurisdiction within the area belonging to chapters 2 and 28 - Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget and Committee on Health, Labour and Welfare.