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Tuesday, 22. December 2015. 14:56

Committee on European Integration holds its 43rd meeting

Members of the Committee unanimously expressed positive opinion regarding Draft negotiation position Chapter 13 - Fishery

At the meeting of the Committee that was held today, its members unanimously expressed positive opinion regarding Draft negotiation position of Montenegro for the Intergovernmental Conference on the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union for Chapter 13 - Fishery.

Main aspects of the document were presented by Ms Danijela Stolica, Director General of the Direcotrate for Agriculture and Fisheries at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and member of the Negotiating Group on Chapter 13 - Fisheries and Mr Aleksandar Joksimović, Head of the Laboratory for Ichthyology and marine fisheries at the Institute of Marine Biology and Head of the Working Group for this chapter.

Aside from the members of the Committee on European Integration, members of the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning also participated in the discussion.

Considering the nature of the document under consideration, which bears the label "internal", the meeting was closed to the public.