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Tuesday, 30. April 2013. 09:08

9th meeting of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms held

The Committee unanimously adopted the Decision on Control hearing.

The Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms at the ninth meeting held today unanimously- with seven votes, adopted the Decision on Control Hearing of the National Coordinator of ECRI for Montenegro, assistant to the Minister for Human and Minority Rights, Ms. Blanka Radošević Marović, with the topic ”Compliance with the obligations of Montenegro in part of recommendations given in ECRI report on Montenegro, from February, 2012”. Control hearing will be held on 17th May, Friday, 2013, at 11am.

Starting from the quotes from the European Commission Montenegro Progress Report for 2012,continuity of previous activities of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms regarding issues, as well as two key recommendations ECRI directed to Montenegro with the request for priority implementation, and which will be subject of control between two regular monitoring as starting control, implementing the sixth activity from the Plan of Activities of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms for 2013, in compliance with the Articles 62 and 75 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, in the continuation of the Ninth Meeting, the Committee will hold a Control Hearing of the ECRI National Coordinator for Montenegro, Ms Blanka Radošević-Marović, Assistant to the Minister for Human and Minority Rights, in order to collect information on what had been achieved so far regarding implementation of compliance with the obligations of Montenegro in part of the Recommendations given in the ECRI Report on Montenegro, from February 2012.

In line with Article 67 paragraph 2 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, the following are invited to participate in the work of the Meeting:

- Head and members of Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to PACE, Mr Zoran Vukčević, PhD; Mr Predrag Sekulić, PhD; Mr Damir Šehović, MA, and Ms Draginja Vuksanović, PhD,

-Ombudsman of Montenegro, Mr Šućko Baković,

- Coordinator of the Coordination Committee for Monitoring the implementation of the Strategy for permanent resolution of the issue of displaced and internally displaced persons, with special regard to the Camp Konik I and II, Mr Duško Marković,

- Ministry of the Interior, Minister Mr Raško Konjević, MA,

- Police Administration, acting director Mr Slavko Stojanović,

- Manager of the Centre for Human Rights of the Faculty of Law in Podgorica and a member of ECRI from Montenegro, Mr Siniša Bjeković, MA,

     representatives of relevant international organisations based in Montenegro:

- EU Delegation to Montenegro, Head of Delegation, Ambassador Mr Mitja Drobnič,

- OSCE, Head of Mission, Ambassador Mr Lubomir Kopaj,

- UNDP – Resident representative Mr Rastislav Vrbenski,

- UNHCR - charge d affaires Ms Indumathi Mohandas, and

- UNICEF - Head representative Mr Benjamin Perks, and

      NGOs dealing with the issues of human rights and freedoms and monitoring of work of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms:

  - “Civic Alliance”, President Mr Boris Raonić