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Friday, 20. June 2014. 14:00

Press release from the 79th meeting of the Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro

Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, at the 79th meeting held today, proceeding from the Constitution of Montenegro, the Article 47 and the Article 40, states that with a series of articles published in "Informer", public morality and dignity was compromised, reputation and personality honor, and basic norms of the Constitution of Montenegro violated

We invite all other media as well, who had been crossing the limit of violations of these values, to protect media coverage, independently or through journalists' associations, from further abuse of media rights.

Collegium invites competent working bodies of the Parliament of Montenegro, to examine legislation in the area of ​​media, in cooperation with media professionals, in order to systematically prevent these and similar events from happening again.