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Thursday, 04. June 2015. 10:02


With regard to the information that the premises located in Novaka Miloševa street and used by a part of the Service of the Parliament of Montenegro have been contaminated, as a result of a fire which occurred in the yard of the building in the night between 26 and 27 May of the current year, Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Siniša Stanković, among other things, sent a request to the Centre for Ecotoxicological Research to carry out the necessary analysis of the premises, for the purpose of determining with certainty that there was no health hazard for the employees and no obstacles for establishing a regular work process. 

Employees of that part of the Service did not come to the work in the period during which consequences of the fire were addressed and all necessary actions taken for providing working conditions in the premises and enabling smooth functioning of electricity and water supply, as well as during the measurement of the concentration of hazardous and harmful substances in the air, performed by the expert team of the Centre for Ecotoxicological Research Ltd Podgorica, in line with prescribed methodology.

On the basis of performed examination, it has been established that obtained values are below a maximum of the allowed concentration for the working environment and that the concentration of the components is below the limit that the measuring equipment can detect.