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Tuesday, 22. January 2013. 12:20

Meeting Krivokapić - Prammer

At the invitation of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr. Ranko Krivokpić, the President of the National Council of Austria Ms. Barbara Prammer comes to an official visit to Podgorica on Tuesday, 22nd January, 2013.


Ceremonial welcome of the high representative will be organized in front of the Parliament of Montenegro, after which will follow: talks with the President Krivokapić, signing the Guestbook of the Parliament of Montenegro, meeting with the members of the parliamentary Committee on International Relations, and giving public statements.

The Representatives of the two Parliaments will attend the ceremony of signing of the Memorandum on Cooperation between the Parliament of Montenegro, Ministry on Education of Montenegro, ERSTE Foundation and NGO Forum of Youth and Informal Education, for the purpose of implementation of the project “Democratic Workshops”, within the program “Open Parliament” of the Parliament of Montenegro.

Mr. Krivokapić and Ms. Prammer will officially open “Democratic Workshops” and talk with the children.  

Journalists, cameramen and photo-reporters who are not accredited for following parliamentary activities, may apply in writing by Tuesday, 22nd January, 2013 until 9.30am, via fax: 245-125 or e-mail: