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Friday, 22. February 2013. 11:58

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro participates at XII Winter Meetings of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, leads the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro, with MP Mr.  Milutin Simović as the member, on XII Winter Meetings of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, in Vienna.

The President Krivokapić was elected as member of the OSCE PA Special Committee on Reform and Transparency. The task of the Committee is to prepare the strategic document, in the eve of the 40-year celebration of the OSCE, which will redefine key principles of OSCE through its three dimensions: human, economic and security. 
During the meetings, the President met the leaders of the Parliamentary Assembly and other officials of the organization, which gathered 57 countries from Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian territory, from  Vancouver to Vladivostok, and is the largest Parliamentary Assembly in the world.