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Friday, 03. October 2014. 15:05

72nd meeting of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget started

The Committee supported the Proposal for the Law on Effective Energy Use and reached a Decision on holding a control hearing of Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy and Financial System, Minister of Economy, Chairperson of the EPCG Board of Directors and Executive Director of EPCG 

At today’s 72nd meeting, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget, in line with Article 75 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, has reached a Decision on holding a control hearing of Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy and Financial System Mr Vujica Lazović, Minister of Economy Mr Vladimir Kavarić, Chairperson of the Electric Power Plant of Montenegro Board of Directors Mr Srđan Kovačević and Executive Director of the Electric Power Plant of Montenegro JSC Nikšić Mr Srefan  Pastorija, on the occasion of implementing contract between the Government of Montenegro and company A2A.

The Committee has considered and decided to propose to the Parliament to adopt the Proposal for the Law on Effective Energy Use.

The Committee has considered 2013 Annual Report on Awarded State Aid in Montenegro and decided to state its opinion on the concerned act at the continuation of the meeting.

Within the item current issues, the Committee noted that the following have submitted applications for the appointment of one member of the Senate of the State Audit Institution, until 2nd October 214: Ms Tatjana Rakočević – graduated lawyer; Mr Zarija Pejović - Doctor of Economic Sciences; Mr Mirko Jovović - graduated lawyer; Predrag Mitrović - Master of Economic Sciences; Ms Neli Ćuković -  graduated lawyer; Mr Žarko Đurišić - graduated lawyer; Mr Dušan Mrdović - graduated lawyer; Mr Branko Bulatović - Master of Economic Sciences; Mr Radule Žurić – graduated lawyer and Ms Zorica Knežević – Master of Economic Sciences.

Public call for the appointment of one member of the Senate of the State Audit Institution was published on 16 September 2014 at the website of the Parliament, and on 17 September 2014 in daily newspapers: Pobjeda, Dan, Vijesti and Dnevne novine. 

Deadline for submitting applications is 15 days from the last day of publishing the call, i.e. 2 October 2014.

There is a possibility that some applications are sent by post, so the said list is not final until the eventual arrival thereof.

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