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Tuesday, 12. March 2013. 10:15

Seventh meeting of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget Started

The Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget started the discussion on implementation of the conclusions of the Parliament of Montenegro regarding consideration of Proposals for financial plans with the work plans of the independent regulatory bodies for 2013 (No: 33/12-2/48) and decided to define assessments and positions that should be the framework for amendments to the financial plans of regulators for 2013, during the continuation of the meeting.

Under the second item of the Agenda that referred to Implementation of the Law on Research and Production of the Hydrocarbon, the Committee members got acquainted with the Fiscal Policy of the upstream industry of hydrocarbon, aimed at establishing a stable and transparent long-term policy. After the discussion and obtained answers to the questions asked, the Committee deemed it necessary to accelerate drafting of the Proposal for the Law on special tax on the upstream industry, or other legal acts. Additionally, they agreed to request additional information from the Government, or the line ministry, in order to define future activities in this field and ensure the essential implementation of the Law on Research and Production of Hydrocarbon.

Following the introductory explanation given by the Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro, the Committee supported the Report on the use of financial means of the Parliament and the Parliamentary Service for the period from 1st January to 31st December 2012, with the Report on public procurement on the funds spent from 1st January to 31st December 2012, which was been submitted to the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget, in accordance with the Article 28 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro.

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