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Thursday, 16. October 2014. 15:23

74th meeting of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget held

Control hearing held

Pursuant to Article 75 paragraph 2 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, the control hearing of the following was held: Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy and Financial System Mr Vujica Lazović, Minister of Economy Mr Vladimir Kavarić, Chairperson of the Electric Power Plant of Montenegro Board of Directors Mr Srđan Kovačević and Executive Director of the Electric Power Plant of Montenegro JSC Nikšić Mr Srefan  Pastorija, on the occasion of implementing contract between the Government of Montenegro and company A2A.

Control hearing was held for the purpose of obtaining detailed information and data on implementation of the agreement between the Government of Montenegro and Company A2A signed on 3 September 2009, from the aspect of protecting Montenegro’s interest.

During three hour-long discussion in the form of dialogue, numerous questions were posed, related, inter alia, to: agreement on management and justification of continuing the cooperation with Company A2A, achieving projected indicators, investing in energy resources, consultant services, price of electrical energy, distribution losses as well as operational costs of the Electric Power Plant of Montenegro.

In line with Article 67 of the Rules of Procedure, the meeting was attended by Mr Stevo Muk, Chair of the management board of NGO “Institute Alternative” and Ms Nataša Kovačević, coordinator of the environment programme of NGO “Green Home”.

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