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Monday, 16. February 2015. 18:47

Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget starts its 90th meeting

Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Obligatory Relations supported, which was submitted by a group of MPs

At its 90th meeting which started today, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget considered and decided to propose to the Parliament of Montenegro to adopt Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Obligatory Relations, submitted by a group (31) of MPs.

The Committee also considered Proposal for the Decision on Opening Parliamentary Investigation and Establishing the Inquiry Committee for Collecting Information and Facts on Actions of Competent State Authorities on Protection of State Property and Public Interest on the Occasion of Selling the Property of JSC Aluminium Plant Podgorica (KAP) in Bankruptcy with Affiliated Companies and JSC Tobacco Plant Podgorica in Bankruptcy, submitted by a group (33) of MPs. Following the vote, the Proposal for the

The Committee also considered Proposal for the Law on Conversion of Loans in Swiss Francs CHF into Euros EUR, submitted by MPs: Mr Nebojša Medojević, Mr Andrija Mandić and Mr Milan Knežević (summary procedure), and decided to vote on the said proposal in continuation of the meeting, following the submission of the Government’s opinion, as well as the report by the Legislative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro. There was an opinion that it would be purposeful to have a representative of the Central Bank of Montenegro be present at the continuation of the meeting.

Within the item of the agenda current issues, the Committee agreed that during March it would consider the possibility of holding a consultative hearing at the joint meeting of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget and the Committee on European Integration, on the topic “Efficiency and control of the use of IPA funds and the work of the Audit Authority for auditing EU funds”. Within the said item of the agenda, topics included the need for further monitoring of the degree of implementation of conclusions of the Parliament of Montenegro relating to the JSC Aluminium Plant Podgorica (KAP). 

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