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Friday, 19. June 2015. 17:41

Parliamentary committees of the Parliament of Montenegro and the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska hold a bilateral meeting

Within the Regional Network of Parliamentary Committees on Economy, Finance and European Integration of the Western Balkans, a bilateral meeting of parliamentary committees on budget, finances and European integration of the Parliament of Montenegro and the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska was held in Trebinje today. 

At the beginning of the meeting, the participants were addressed by Chairperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Aleksandar Damjanović and Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration and Regional Cooperation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska Mr Branislav Borenović.

Chairperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget Mr Aleksandar Damjanović said that this kind of meeting was primarily aimed at promotion of cooperation between the parliaments of the Republic of Srpska and Montenegro, and in that sense strengthening of economic relations, as well as cooperation and sharing of best experiences in the process of European integration.

During the meeting, the focus was on the process of harmonisation of national legislation with the European acquis, overview of possibilities for intensifying a joint approach of the Republic of Srpska/Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro towards the EU funds, especially in the field of crossborder cooperation or in the context of promoting economic cooperation and attracting foreign investments.

Additionally, they discussed the need for improving the road infrastructure, as well as cooperation in the field of energy. Bearing in mind what has been said, it was pointed out that it was necessary to define joint interests in these fields, in order to use the existing transport and energy resources in the territories of Montenegro and the Republic of Srpska/Bosnia and Herzegovina in the best manner possible.

At the end of the bilateral meeting, it was concluded that the following was needed:

- to intensify cooperation of legislative and executive structures, as well as parliamentary committees on economy, finance and European integration of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska and the Parliament of Montenegro;

- to provide exchange of experiences both at the state and local level, with regard to usage of resources from the EU funds;

-  to provide continuous monitoring of projects funded from the EU funds, relating to road infrastructure and energy. In that context, the need for urgent reconstruction of the highway Sarajevo – Podgorica was emphasised, or a problematic road section Foča – Šćepan Polje, whose construction dynamics indirectly depends on final definition of the status of Buk – Bijela project, and whose possible construction also affects that highway;

- to initiate a meeting of leaders of local self-governments located at administrative borders of the Republic of Srpska/Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, aimed at providing a more efficient crossborder cooperation. It was proposed that the meeting, which would be held in Montenegro, in addition to leaders of local self-governments, should be attended by MPs of the parliaments of Montenegro and the Republic of Srpska, representatives of governments as well EU delegations to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro.  

On behalf of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget of the Parliament of Montenegro, the meeting was attended by MPs: Mr Aleksandar Damjanović, Mr Veljko Zarubica and Mr Strahinja Bulajić, while MP Mr Šefkija Murić attended the meeting on behalf of the Committee on European Integration.

In the context of the meeting, representatives of the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro also met with Mayor of Trebinje Mr Slavko Vučurević. 

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