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Friday, 07. February 2014. 15:10

20th meeting of the Committee on European Integration held

Adopted – the 2013 Performance Report of the Committee and the 2014 Work Plan.

At their meeting held today, the Committee on European Integration unanimously adopted the 2013 Performance Report of the Committee and the 2014 Work Plan.

The Performance Report for the previous year provides a comprehensive overview of activities, where the control role of the Committee is especially emphasised, and is primarily reflected in 10 consultative hearings. In the course of the year, the 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st and 32nd quarterly reports on total activities within the EU stabilisation and association process have been considered, as well as the 7th, 8th and 9th Report on the implementation of commitments stemming from Stabilisation and Association Agreement. Apart from that, the course of negotiation process on Montenegro’s EU Accession and the Performance Report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration have been presented, and additionally, within their control role, the Committee presented the activities within the Negotiation Chapters 23 – Judiciary and fundamental rights and 24 – Justice, freedom and security. They considered seven negotiating positions, out of which they unanimously adopted the proposal for amendments of two draft negotiating positions (Chapters 10 and 23), while for the other draft negotiating positions they unanimously adopted positive opinions. Furthermore, the Committee unanimously adopted positive opinions on the Reports on Negotiation Chapter 3 (Right of establishment and freedom to provide services), the Report on Fulfilled Obligations in Negotiation Chapter 25 (Science and Research) and the Report on Fulfilled Obligations in Negotiation Chapter 26 (Education and Culture). The Annual Performance Report also portrays participation of representatives of the Committee in international activities, numerous conferences, and it also lists bilateral meetings of the members of the Committee. 

In the second part of the meeting, the 2014 Work Plan has been presented, consisting of, apart from the introduction, the following four sections: Monitoring the negotiation process, Control role, International activities, and Promotion of the European integration process in Montenegrin public. As presented within the control role of the Committee, 15 consultative hearings are envisaged for 2014. Apart from the activities entailing consideration of documents significant for the European negotiation process, the work plan also includes new activities that are imposed with regard to commitments that stem from the negotiation process – Report on implementation of commitments from the Montenegro Accession Programme, Report on implementation of the Action Plan for Negotiation Chapter 23 and the Action Plan for Negotiation Chapter 24, consideration of negotiation progress in each of the opened negotiation chapters and communication strategy for informing the public on the European Union. In 2014 as well, special attention will be paid to promotion of the European integration process in Montenegrin public, through organising of public debates for certain chapters, high school students, and meetings with representatives of local self-governments and students, as well as work on Facebook and Twitter accounts. Work Plan also envisages the COSAP meeting (meeting of the Committees on European Integration of the States participating in the Stabilisation and Association process), which will be hosted by the Committee on European Integration, within the Montenegrin presidency over this initiative. 

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