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Friday, 19. September 2014. 16:03

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration participated in the public debate on the negotiation chapter 3 - Right of establishment and freedom to provide services

Negotiations in chapter 3 require significant legislative and institutional reforms 

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Slaven Radunović participated today in a public debate on the negotiation chapter 3 - Right of establishment and freedom to provide services, organized by the Office of the Chief Negotiator for Accession Negotiations of Montenegro with the EU, in premises of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro. In addition to Chairperson Radunović, the public debate was also attended by the State Secretary for European Integration and Chief Negotiator Aleksandar Andrija Pejović and a member of the Negotiating Group on Chapter 3 Vladimir Savković.

Chairperson Radunović stated that negotiations in this chapter and reform within the harmonization of legislation with EU bring specific economic benefits, which are reflected in simplifying and shortening the procedures for company registration, and in facilitating cross-border services without the obligation of establishment. In addition, harmonization of regulations in the field of vocational qualifications in regulated professions, would open wide possibilities for employment of Montenegrin citizens in other EU countries. Chairperson Radunović noted that negotiations in this chapter are financially and technically demanding process, but that the necessity of this process is beyond doubt, if Montenegro wants to achieve the goal of economic competitiveness in the European market and to attract European investment.

Ambassador Pejović stated that it is of symbolic importance that the public debate is taking place in the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, since the progress in Chapter 3 is an important step in the accession negotiations, also for businessmen, who will greatly benefit from the accession of Montenegro to the internal EU market. He said that this chapter through the removal of administrative barriers would contribute to the fight against corruption, which is one of the most important requirements for membership in the European family of nations. The ambassador announced that this chapter will be opened later this year or early next year, after which it is expected to submit criteria for its closure.

Member of the Negotiating Group on Chapter 3 Vladimir Savković stated that this chapter is leaning on the basic idea of ​​the EU formation on the creation of a single economic space, and reiterated the position of his interlocutors that number of legislative and institutional reforms are necessary in this sector. He pointed out that the biggest challenge is the harmonization of legislation with the Services Directive, which regulates a number of services and, among other things, sets a requirement to improve transparency through the establishment of a single contact point, which will be one of the obligations of Montenegro in the next period.

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