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Monday, 11. March 2013. 10:18

Fourth Meeting of the Committee on European Integration ended

Reports on overall activities within the process of stabilization and association and reports on realization of obligations from the Agreement on Stabilization and Association for 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarter of 2013 considered.

The fourth meeting of the Committee on European Integration, held today, was attended by the State Secretary for European Integration and Chief Negotiator for the negotiations on the accession of Montenegro to the EU, Mr. Aleksandar Andrija Pejović. 28th, 29th and 30th quarter reports were considered at the meeting as well as overall activities within the process of stabilization and association and reports on realization of obligations from the Agreement on Stabilization and Association.

State Secretary for European Integration exposed a detailed plan of the Report, emphasizing thus the progress achieved in some fields, and challenges on the path of the further integration of the state into European structures. He emphasized that by opening of negotiations, Montenegro started technical part of the process which demanded studious and qualitative changes in political, social and economic system of the state.

Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Slaven Radunović, emphasized the significance of the transparency of the process as well as possibility of informing of broader public on negotiating process of Montenegro. Members of the Committee on European Integration agreed that the period to which reports were related was marked by numerous important happenings and activities which confirmed the importance of the process of European integration. Bearing in mind consensual support of political parties on European path of Montenegro, it was stated at the meeting that there was no possibility of political blockade, but that it was necessary to direct more attention to informing the public on the nature of the process and reforms that it carried with itself.

Members of the Committee informed the Chief Negotiator on willingness of the Committee on European Integration for more active inclusion in negotiation process, and closer cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration and the Chief Negotiator as well.

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