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Monday, 18. May 2015. 21:15

Chairperson of Committee on European Integration takes part in conference titled: “Importance of human resources in accession process to the EU”

Mr Radunović pointed out to the importance of strengthening capacities of state administration in the process of joining the EU and readiness of business entities to face the competition pressure within the EU 

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Slaven Radunović took part in the conference titled: “Importance of human resources in accession process to the European Union”. The gathering was organised by the Association of Montenegrin managers and Office of the Chief Negotiator for Montenegro's Accession to EU. 

In his introductory remarks, the Chairperson of the Committee presented key competences of the Committee, saying that the role of that working body in consideration of draft negotiation positions -when it comes to the process of approaching the European Union - was mirrored in protecting the interests of all Montenegrin citizens, including representatives of the business sector.

The Chairperson of the Committee reminded of so-called administrative criterion, adopted at the meeting of the European Council in Madrid in 1995, which, along with three Copenhagen criteria, makes a set of principles for candidate countries in the process of advancing towards the EU membership. With regard to that, he pointed out to the importance of strengthening administrative capacities, saying that Montenegro had equally important tasks that countries much bigger that Montenegro had while they were candidates for membership, in view of harmonising the legislation with the EU law and application of the new standards. 

Having in mind the challenges set in the negotiation process, Mr Radunović said that strengthening of capacities of the state administration should be conducted through improving the knowledge of foreign languages, modernisation of the manner of work and acquiring of new skills. In addition to raising the quality standards, it is important to change perception on the very system of work in the national service, Mr Radunović said. The equal challenge stands in front of business entities, whose companies are supposed to show readiness and capability to respond to competition pressure in the market of over 500 million people. Built institutional memory and strong capacities of the national administration, along with business sector which will readily cope with the reforms brought by harmonisation with market principles of the EU, represent a path towards full-fledged membership of Montenegro to the European Union.

In addition to Mr Radunović, the introductory speech was delivered by Mr Budimir Raičković, President of the Association of Montenegrin managers, while Mr Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, Chief Negotiator for Montenegro's Accession to EU, held presentation on the current state of negotiations between Montenegro and the EU. Following the introductory speeches, in the panel discussion moderated by Mr Srđan Vukčević, Vice President of the Association of Montenegrin managers for human resources, participated directors of human resources in three companies – Mr Danilo Niković (Brewery “Trebjesa”), Ms Biljana Radusinović (“Telenor”) and Ms Tatjana Keković (Erste bank) as well as representative of the Human Resources Administration Ms Blaženka Dabanović.

Numerous representatives of diplomatic corps, national institutions and nongovernmental sector as well as representatives from the business sector participated in the conference.

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