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Friday, 07. March 2014. 14:22

Third Session of the “Women’s Parliament” held

Members of the Government answered the questions of participants.

Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Željko Šturanović opened today the Third Session of the “Women’s Parliament”, where members of the Government answered the questions posed by participants, representatives of female groups of parliamentary parties and representatives of the civil society as well.
Opening the sitting of the Women’s Parliament, Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Željko Šturanović emphasised that Montenegro, by choosing the path of European and Euro-Atlantic integration as a framework for the overall democratic and economic development of the country, has been undertaking necessary measures for the purpose of achieving the equality of women and men in the society and thus achieving political, economic, social and cultural development.

He emphasised that the Parliament of Montenegro would provide support for the Gender Equality Committee and other competent bodies and pay a special attention to activities of organs and institutions from the gender equality field. Vice President Šturanović said that society should show civilisational maturity in the way that breaching of absolute human rights, especially women's rights, would be only at the level exceptions and incidents – hence much easier to be solve.
Chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee Ms Nada Drobnjak, in her opening address, said, inter alia, that Montenegro has done a lot in the past period to completing the legal framework which guarantees equal chances and opportunities for both sexes. However, in practice we still face traditional understanding of the position and role of women in family and society.

She estimated that in the past year important activities were carried out in the  following fields: combating violence against women, strengthening women's participation in public and political life, strengthening mechanisms at the local level, encouraging women's entrepreneurship, initiating actions aimed at improving the status of rural women, improving the position of women from the Roma and Egyptian population and increasing participation of men in family responsibilities, concluding that there is still a lot to be done in order to adequately implement adopted legal forms.
Representatives of Montenegrin Government answered 22 questions posed by representatives of female groups of parliamentary parties and representatives of the civil society.
Gender Equality Committee organised “Women’s Parliament” on the occasion of Eighth March - International Women's Day , with the aim of promoting women’s human rights in Montenegro. The sitting was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps, international organisations and local self-governments.
Prior to the beginning of the Session, Chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee Ms Nada Drobnjak opened the exhibition of art works of children with intellectual disabilities, titled “Path of Love”. 

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