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Monday, 30. June 2014. 12:16

Gender Equality Committee holds its 31st meeting

Members of the Gender Equality Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro, today unanimously strongly condemned the publication of articles and photographs with the objective to discredit and belittle women, to put them down as human beings

It is inappropriate to make a media attack on a woman this way, at the same time violating constitutional rights. This, among other things, shows that women are still equal with men only declaratively. They also condemned the statement that promotes violence, and that identified women and children as victims.

The state must follow the policy of equal opportunities, create an environment in which stereotypes will not survive, but also punish behavior based on stereotypes.

Gender Equality Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro proposes the previously approved provision to abolish defamation as a criminal offense to be reviewed.

Within the agenda, the Committee considered and after the discussion unanimously supported the 2013 Report on the implementation of the Plan of Action for Gender Equality (2013-2017). Within the Current issues item, the Committee was informed of planned activities and the activities carried out between meetings. 

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