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Wednesday, 25. February 2015. 17:03

Interparliamentary meeting of committees titled “Smart Borders Package: European challenges, national experiences, the way ahead” ends

Interparliamentary meeting of committees, hosted by the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, was held on 23 and 24 February 2015, wherein MPs Mr Genci Nimanbegu and Mr Luiđ Ljubo Škrelja participated. 

The meeting of more than thirty parliaments from the European and national parliaments served as a forum for sharing opinions and information which would be useful for improving the quality of legislative proposal, aimed at forming “the smart borders” in Europe. Namely, it has been envisaged that that project should contribute to facilitating the freedom of movements and simplifying the system of entrance/exit of the third countries across the outside borders of the EU.

The second day of the meeting was marked be the discussion within the two sessions, the first of which was related to characteristics and challenges of the project in light of the differences of the borders, and Ms Vesa Blomqvist, Head of Unit, Border Guard Department of the Finnish Ministry of the Interior - Land Borders, spoke on the topic. Additionally, presentations were delivered by Mr Ronald Harmsma, Brigade General, Director Operations of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee - Air Borders and Mr Francisco José Barceló Arjona, Algeciras Port, Spain - Sea Borderse. Members of the European and national parliaments, at the continuation of the meeting, presented their positions and dilemmas in relation to feasibility, functionality and economy of the “smart borders”.

An approach for implementing the law – was a subject of the fourth session of the meeting, and Ms Evelien Brouwer, Associate Professor, Migration Law Faculty Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, spoke on that, presenting the Analyses with regard to System for collecting data base of the existing systems used by the EU.

At the end, rapporteurs presented certain conclusions in relation to the project of the “smart borders”, stating that it was necessary to build a stable system for the protection of the personal data, taking care about the high level of security. Participants of the meeting supported the said project, emphasising that the European and national parliaments must be seriously devoted and must contribute that “smart borders” become another successful project of the European Union,

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro was composed of Mr Genci Nimanbegu, member of the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration and Mr Luiđ Ljubo Škrelja, member of the Security and Defence Committee. 

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