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Friday, 12. July 2013. 15:30

The 13th July Award presented

Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Suljo Mustafić presented the 13th July Award to this year’s winners of the highest state recognition.


The awards were presented to the following winners: a political scientist, Mr Radule Knežević, Professor PhD, for his books “Politička kultura” (Political Culture) and “Politička teorija anarhizma” (Political Theory of Anarchism); a writer Mr Ilija Lakušić, for his four novels “Bitka na tastaturi” (Battle at the Keyboard),  “Ljubio sam život kao da je moj“ (I Kissed a Life as though it had been mine ), “Mala noćna lirika” (A Little Night Lyrics) and “Dva Petra” (Two Peters); and a writer and literary critic Mr Gojko Čelebić, for his books “Vjeternjače Evrope” (The Windmills of Europe) and "Dostojevski i Zapad” (Dostoyevsky and the West).

The winners of this year's 13th July Award were determined by the jury in the following composition: Mr Dragan Vukčević, Professor, as Jury Chair, and as Jury members: Mr Predrag Ivanović, Professor; Mr Dragan Koprivica, Professor; Mr Andrej Nikolaidis; and Mr Milenko Popović, Professor PhD.

The attendees were addressed by the Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Suljo Mustafić:

"Esteemed ladies and gentlemen, Your Excellencies, representatives of the public, social and political life, public figures, laureates, we are gathered here, a day before the greatest and the most significant of dates in the history of Montenegro, the date of 13th July, which especially lights its endurance, connecting these two great events. The first international recognition of our country, in 1878, and the first nationwide uprising against the fascism in the enslaved Europe, in 1941. Both these events, in their historical greatness and content, are imbedded in the solid foundation upon which the multi-ethnic and civic Montenegro of today was built.

The independence of Montenegro, gained on 13th July 1878, was interrupted by a flow of subsequent events, then partly restored by the achievement of AVNOJ, but finally fully restored by the will of the citizens in 2006.

The Uprising of 13th July 1941 represented the resistance to fascism, not consenting and not conforming to injustice, the lit spark of freedom, the epopee - led by the idea of justice and equality, through combat in which members of all peoples of Montenegro participated.

Today we are presenting the 13th July Award, as the highest state recognition, which in its polysemous symbolism bands together a memory of a timeless significance of these events and valorisation of the individual human efforts, though works and achievements in various fields of creation that hold special significance for the state of Montenegro.

This year, by a jury decision, who assessed and evaluated, both works and achievements, the honour of a laureate of this recognition goes to a political scientist, Mr Radule Knežević, Professor PhD; a writer Mr Ilija Lakušić; and a writer and literary critic Mr Gojko Čelebić, for his books “Vjeternjače Evrope” (The Windmills of Europe) and "Dostojevski i Zapad” (Dostoyevsky and the West).

On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro I would like to extend my congratulations to the laureates, I wish them good health and success in further endeavours and creation. Furthermore, I would like to use this opportunity to, on behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and on my own behalf, extend my congratulations to all citizens of Montenegro on the Statehood Day, 13th July."

A member of the Jury, Mr Dragan Koprivica, Professor, pointed out that this year's awards represent the affirmation of unity of Montenegro which keeps its fundamental values on its European path, respecting the right to have the best - be declared as the best.

Mr Gojko Čelebić spoke on behalf of the laureates of this year's 13th July Award, pointing out that this award was the honour for all citizens of Montenegro, representing a symbol of eternal statehood of Montenegro, a symbol of fierce combat for freedom of the small-great nation, as well as the symbol of openness of the work of winners for all questionable or unquestionable views with regard to that work, from this day until the end of time.


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