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Tuesday, 12. March 2013. 10:52

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, met today with Mr. Dirk Lange, Head of Department for Montenegro to the Directorate General of the European Commission for Enlargement

Mr. Krivokapić and Mr. Lange exchanged positions regarding the current process of the European Integration of Montenegro and further challenges that Montenegro was facing within the phase of accession negotiations.

At the meeting they spoke of the latest development of political events regarding the holding of local and presidential elections.

On the occasion of the so-called affair "Recording", President Krivokapić repeated his previously and publicly stated position that is was necessary for the Parliament, through mechanisms of parliamentary hearings, to become involved in clarification of the stated claims on abuses, as well as for the other state authorities to re-examine the stated claims.

President Krivokapić expressed belief that the parliamentary consensus would be reached regarding organisation of hearings in the parliamentary committees.

“Montenegro has found itself the most demanding and most serious phase of the whole process – the phase of negotiations with the EU, thus it was necessary for the state, with due diligence and maximum seriousness, to consider all issues that could put doubt on our European dedication”, Krivokapić said.

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