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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 26. August 2013. 14:00

The Parliament of Montenegro, through the project “Democracy Workshops“, organises a visit of students of the elementary school “Bajo Pivljanin“ from Donja Brezna-Plužine to the Hellenic Parliament

Through the project “Democracy Workshops“ of the Parliament of Montenegro, eight students and two teachers of the elementary school “Bajo Pivljanin“ from Donja Brezna-Plužine will visit the Hellenic Parliament, in the period 27-30 August 2013.

The visit is implemented and funded by the Parliament of Montenegro and the Hellenic Parliament, and the possibility of organising the visit was discussed during the meeting of the Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Damir Davidović and Secretary General of the Hellenic Parliament Mr Athanasios Papaioannou, during the official visit of the Secretary General of the Hellenic Parliament to the Parliament of Montenegro, in May of the current year. The Secretary General had the opportunity to visit the "Democracy Workshops" and speak with students of this school, who participated on that day in a workshop titled "Democracy and Parliament."

By the Visit Programme it is envisaged the students to visit the Hellenic Parliament, the Acropolis,  the Acropolis Museum and other cultural and historical sites.

Democracy Workshops is the project organised jointly by the Parliament of Montenegro, ERSTE Foundation and NGO Forum of Youth and Informal Education for students of elementary schools with the aim of stimulating interest in politics and democratic processes among the youth population, enabling presentation of the work of MPs and Parliament as an institution and contributing to better understanding. Since the beginning of the project, a total of 3607 students from 40 elementary schools across Montenegro participated in the workshops.

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