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Publication “Sharing selected Slovak experience with Montenegro for its EU accession process” presented.

MPs to consider implementation of recommendations adopted on the previous SAPC meeting.

Dear Member of the Parliament Mr. Lekić,

With regard to political requests that the representatives of the parliamentary opposition, as well as certain representatives of the civil sector, have addressed to me, and following the open and I believe useful conversation held today, I would like to respond to your submitted requests

Thursday, 25. April 2013. 15:41

Meeting Mr. Krivokapić – Mr. Lange

Mr. Krivokapić and Mr. Lange talked about current political situation in Montenegro with emphasis to the forthcoming obligations put before Montenegrin Parliament.

The meeting will be held in the Cabinet of the President, at 4.00 pm.

Crnogorski parlamentarci iskazali zadovoljstvo Izvještajem OEBS/ODIHR-a i saopštili jedinstven stav o suštinskoj saglasnosti sa njegovim preporukama.

The Delegation consists of permanent representatives of Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Luxembourg of the Northern-Atlantic Council, as well as representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Montenegro.

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