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Thursday, 25. April 2013. 10:03

Reply of the President Krivokapić to the President of the Democratic Front, Mr. Miodrag Lekić

Dear Member of the Parliament Mr. Lekić,

With regard to political requests that the representatives of the parliamentary opposition, as well as certain representatives of the civil sector, have addressed to me, and following the open and I believe useful conversation held today, I would like to respond to your submitted requests

The request relating to adoption of the special law in the Parliament of Montenegro by which the results of the parliamentary elections would be declared invalid, it is necessary to have it in the form of the Proposal for the Law and in that case I am willing to include it in the Agenda of the first upcoming sitting of the Parliament of Montenegro.

If such Proposal for the Law should be adopted, it would be my constitutional and legal obligation as the President of the Parliament, to call for the new presidential elections upon the coming into force of this law, in accordance with the highest democratic electoral standards and full observation of the Constitution of Montenegro.

As a person who had the honour of heading the writing of the Constitution of Montenegro, I am especially aware and responsible to have the constitutional development of Montenegro in the area of judiciary and Prosecutor Office end as soon as possible, as a prerequisite of our further leadership in the European integration. We have jointly, under the recommendations of the Venice Commission, reached the final stage, when we are needed to politically agree on the majorities needed for a full democratic legitimacy of these constitutional structures.

I have already included the request for initiating the parliamentary investigation regarding the publishing of the audio recordings and transcripts from the meetings of the bodies of the Democratic Party of Socialists in the daily journal “Dan” into the Agenda of the sitting that is to begin on Tuesday 30th April. On this occasion I also confirm the willingness to, in accordance with the agreement from the collegium of the President of the Parliament, support the initiation of the parliamentary investigation as well. In that context, I am willing to use my institutional authority and to strongly advocate that this case should receive adequate treatment by the Public Prosecutor via investigation of the existence of eventual criminal liability. Casting light upon all the elements following this case is primarily engaged with strengthening the trust of the citizens in the institutions of the state of Montenegro and the rule of law, as a fundamental principle in our joint work of building a European and democratic Montenegro.

Dear colleague,

I hope that these answers would help in having all the representatives of the parliamentary opposition, starting next week, gather in the Parliament of Montenegro and that the Parliament, as a source institution of democratic legitimacy, would continue its work in full capacity.


Ranko Krivokapić