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Committee on International Relations and Emigrants

phone/fax: +382 20 40 45 12


Montenegro has confirmed its commitment and contribution to cooperation in the South East Europe (SEE) by membership in regional initiatives and organisations, acting thus in line with its foreign policy priorities.

The essential goal of Montenegro’s foreign policy is to develop good relations and communication based on mutual respect, as well as continuous establishment of political, economic, security, cultural, scientific contacts and cooperation; Additionally, this includes establishment of  exceptionally important infrastructural  connection – a relationship of equal partnership and respect.

Strategic goals of Montenegro, joining the EU and NATO, cannon be achieved without the active role in the regional cooperation and contemplation of the foreign policy in the regional context. Montenegro has established and permanently developed good neighbourly cooperation, as a constructive contribution to regional stability and best recommendation for achieving the progress towards the EU and NATO.

Initiative for cooperation at the level of parliaments of foreign policy committees of the SEE region was developed from the wish and need to facilitate and help the states of the SEE region on their path to the EU membership, and to regulate the area of the South East Europe and relations among nations and states in a better way.

The basic goal of the Initiative is that European perspective of each individual country of the region and the region as a whole develops in the manner which respond to the interests for renewal of confidence, stability and prosperity of the SEE region, and to influence on the region through intensive regional and good neighbourly cooperation to be stable and prosperous, which facilitates the implementation of both individual and common vision of full integration of the region and its states in the European Union and NATO in the near future.