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Monday, 14. October 2013. 21:32

The 59th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Dubrovnik ended with the Second Plenary Sitting

The Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro consisted of the following MPs: Mr Borislav Banović, Mr Luiđ Ljubo Škrelja and Ms Branka Bošnjak.

During the Second Plenary Sitting of the 59th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, the participants were addressed by Mr Hugh Bayley, the President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly; Mr Bert Koenders, United Nations Special Representative for Mali and Head of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA); and Mr Josip Leko, President of the Croatian Parliament. On that occasion he had delivered a speech on the topic “The role of the Parliament in the context of the security issue”. When answering the questions by the delegation members, Mr Leko confirmed that Croatia, as the new member state of the EU, would be firmly committed to development and strengthening of the Common Security and Defence Policy of the EU.

In the continuation of work of the Second Plenary Sitting, the elections of the President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, five Vice Presidents, as well as the Auditor of the Assembly were held. Then there was a vote on the proposed financial documents and the 2014 Draft Budget.

The continuation of the session was marked by the voting of delegates on the draft resolutions on the following topics: “Promotion of Sustainability of NATO ground forces”, “New Energy Ideas for NATO Armed Forces: enhancing responsibility, reducing demand, providing supplies”, “Economic and Strategic Implications of the Non-Conventional Oil and Gas Revolution”, “Growing Strategic Relevance of the Pacific Asia: implications for NATO and beyond”, “Afghanistan: Renewed Security, Political and Economic Roadmap for 2014 and Beyond”, “Furthering Stability and the Euro-Atlantic Prospects of the Western Balkans”, and “Syria Crisis: Implications for the Region and Beyond”.

Today ended the work of the 59th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.