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Friday, 21. November 2014. 08:15

60th annual sitting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly starts in The Hague today

Members of the standing delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the NATO PA Mr Mevludin Nuhodžić, Mr Borislav Banović and Mr Branko Radulović will participate in the work of the gathering.

60th annual sitting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly will be held in The Hague, Kingdom of the Netherlands, from 21 to 24 November 2014, and will gather 300 parliamentarians from the North-Atlantic Alliance and partner countries.

During the session it was planned to hold meetings of five committees of NATO Parliamentary Assembly, where the topics will include current security issues at the international level: Political Committee, Defence and Security Committee, Science and Technology Committee, Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security, and Economics and Security Committee.

At the plenary sitting, the address will be made by President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Mr Hugh Bayley, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Mr Mark Rutte, as well as NATO Secretary-General Mr Jens Stoltenberg.