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Sunday, 11. November 2012. 13:19

58th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly

The third day of the 58th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, wherein permanent delegation members Mr. Borislav Banović and Mr. Vasilije Lalošević participated on behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro, ended with the meeting of the Permanent Committee, and the session will be continued tomorrow with Plenary Sitting.

On the second and third day of the 58th Annual Session of NATO PA, meetings of the following committees were held: Political, Defense and Security, Civil Dimension of Security, Economics and Security and Science and Technology.

During the meeting of the Political Committee, participants had the opportunity to discuss on “The Arab Spring – Implications for Euro Atlantic Security”, draft report of the Sub- Committee on NATO Partnerships on “Afghanistan and Southwest Asia Security”, and participants’ attention was brought to the draft report of the Sub-Committee on Transatlantic Relations titled “Budgetary constraints – a challenge to Alliance Cohesion”. 

Meeting of the Defense and Security Committee was marked by the discussion of the delegates on “Afghanistan- towards 2014 and beyond”, report of the Sub-Committee on Future Security and Defense Capabilities with the topic “The Challenge of Piracy-International Response and NATO’s Role”, draft report of the Sub-committee on Transatlantic Defense and Security Cooperation with the topic “Matching Capabilities to Ambitions-NATO towards 2020”.

Discussion on “The Sources and Implications of the Euro Crisis” followed at the Economics and Security Committee meeting, upon which draft report of the Sub-Committee on Transatlantic Economic Relations on the topic “Arctic Economic Opportunities, Environmental Obligations and Security Stakes” and draft report of the Sub-Committee on East-West Economic Co-operation and Convergence “The Arab Uprisings: Economic Dimensions and Challenges” were considered.  

Meeting of the Committee on Civil Dimension of Security was marked by discussion on “ Consolidating the Revolutions in North Africa”, draft report of the Sub-Committee on Democratic Governance with the topic “The Forces of Change and Continuity in Russia - Domestic and International Implications”, and the draft report on “The Movement of People Across the Mediterranean: New Trends and Challenges”.

During the meeting of the Science and Technology Committee, it was discussed about “The Iranian Nuclear Programme - Gauging Iran’s Intentions”, draft report of the Sub-Committee on Energy and Environmental Security on “Nuclear Energy after Fukushima” and “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - Opportunities and Challenges for the Alliance”.

Third day of the 58th Annual Session of NATO PA ended with the meeting of the Permanent Committee and the session will be continued tomorrow with the Plenary Sitting.

On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro, permanent members of the delegation Mr. Borislav Banović and Mr. Vasilije Lalošević participated in the work of the 58th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.