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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 20. May 2013. 10:18

Spring Session of NATO PA ended

Meetings of the Security and Defence Committee and Science and Technology Committee.

At the meeting of the Security and Defence Committee they spoke on solutions for Afghanistan until 2014 and later, Smart Defence principle, association and support at the very beginning as well as the strategic defence elements, transatlantic relations and application of the New Strategic Concept through Cooperation and Partnership, as well as strategic partnership for overcoming crisis which affects certain African countries.

At the meeting of the Science and Technology Committee there was discussion on improvement of sustainability of NATO ground troops, building responsibility, decrease of demands and provision of supplies in the military, as well as future development of fighter jets.

In continuation, the meeting of the Standing Committee followed, thus ending the work of the session.

Spring session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, held from 17th to 20th May 2013, gathered around 300 parliamentarians from the North Atlantic Alliance and partner countries.

Members of Standing Delegation Mr Borislav Banović and Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić, as well as the MP Mr Vasilije Lalošević participated in the work of the Assembly, on behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro.