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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 18. June 2013. 17:27

Second Meeting of the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe held

Second Meeting of the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe was held today. The Meeting was attended by the Head of the Delegation Mr Zoran Vukčević PhD, members of the Delegation Ms Draginja Vuksanović Professor, PhD and Mr Mladen Bojanić as well as deputy members Mr Damir Šehović MA and Ms Snežana Jonica, while Mr Predrag Sekulić PhD was absent due to previously taken commitments.

The following issues were discussed at the Meeting: Adoption of the Report from the Second Spring Session of the PACE, Adoption of the Proposal for the Rules of Procedure on the work of the Delegation, Adoption of the Work Plan of the Delegation for 2013, Information on the work of the Delegation in the period between Spring and Summer Session, Preparation for organising monitoring visit of PACE co-rapporteurs, Preparation and establishment of platform for the Third Summer Session of the PACE and Election of Delegation members to PACE committees.

Delegation adopted the Report from the Second Spring Session of the PACE, assessing that it was very comprehensive, well-designed and transparent, thus it represented a true overview of all activities realised by the delegation at the Spring Session of PACE, held from 22 to 26 April 2013.

Head of Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the PACE Mr Zoran Vukčević reminded that the Draft Rules of Procedure on the work of the Delegation was adopted at the First meeting, with a conclusion that the act should be re-considered after completing the Delegation. Suggestions for amendments of the act were submitted by MPs Snežana Jonica and Mladen Bojanić, and the Head of the Delegation agreed on those, stating that Ms Snežana Jonica should subsequently submit proposal for amending the Article 6 of the Rules of Procedure.

Work Plan of the Delegation for 2013 was adopted, with the conclusion that it could be supplemented during the year in line with the current activities of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, its working bodies and Montenegrin competent state authorities.

The Delegation also got acquainted with participation of certain members of the Delegation at the meetings of PACE working bodies, held in the period between April and June Session.

Head of the Delegation Mr Zoran Vukčević PhD informed members of the Delegation on forthcoming visit of PACE co-rapporteurs, which will be held in the period from 8 to 10 July 2013. He stated that the correspondence with PACE Secretary General and Secretariat of the Committee on Monitoring was published and that letters were sent to representatives of Montenegrin state authorities with whom co-rapporteurs want to organise meetings. In the following days, for the purpose of successful organising of the co-rapporteurs visit, the activities that the Delegation is competent for will be overtaken.

In addition, members of the Delegation got acquainted with the items of the Agenda from the June PACE Session, and it was agreed the platform on participation of the Delegation to be agreed at the meeting in Strasbourg, immediately prior to the session.

Members of the Delegation talked on membership in PACE committees and it was decided that decision to be reached after the additional consultations between MPs Snežana Jonica and Draginja Vuksanović PhD on membership in the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights.