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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 01. October 2015. 08:22

Day three of PACE Autumn Session

Agenda of today’s session included debates on: the activities of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 2014-2015; implementation of judgements of the European Court of Human Rights; freedom of religion and living together in a democratic society.

Members of the PACE today talked with delegations of national parliaments of the OECD member States which are not members of the Council of Europe on the activities of OECD in the period 2014-2015. On the occasion, they invited this organisation and its member states to address the rise of inequalities and promote inclusive growth and more equal distribution of income, wealth and well-being. In addition, the PACE incited OSCE member states to take measures for increasing the middle and lower income of households “with the aim of stimulating demand and purchasing power”.

At today’s session, the PACE adopted the Resolution 2075 (2015) and Recommendations 2079 (2015) , expressing the concern over the great number of non-implemented judgements of the European Court of Human Rights, and invited the Committee of Ministers to take stronger measures in case of dilatory or continuous non-execution of judgements. Speaking on this item of the agenda, President of the European Court of Human Rights stressed the importance of the role of national parliaments in providing the support in the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights.

In the afternoon hours, the PACE discussed on the topic: Freedom of religion and living together in a democratic society, and with regard to that adopted the Resolution 2076 (2015). Taking part in the discussion on this topic, member of Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro Ms Snežana Jonica said that, contrary to the aim of the Resolution discussed by the PACE under this item of the agenda, a law whose manner of drafting and content were not in accordance with international legal regulations was being prepared in Montenegro.

Members of Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro today met rapporteurs for Montenegro in post-monitoring dialogue Mr Terry Leyden and Mr Ionuƫ-Marian Stroe. At the meeting, they discussed current political developments in Montenegro.  The rapporteurs were particularly interested in events related to NATO integration, judiciary reforms and the Draft Law on Freedom of Religion. Also, they discussed the current visits to Montenegro.  The rapporteurs announced that they would visit Montenegro soon, and meet the highest representatives of legislative, executive and judicial power.

The meeting of heads of delegations of regional parliament was also held today, and it was hosted by the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro.  The topic of the meeting was - common agreements concerning the activities in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

On the fourth and last day of the session, members of the Parliamentary Session will be addressed by Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia Mr Aleksandar Vučić, after which the debates on the following topics will be held:  Abuse of pretrial detention in States Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights and Progress monitoring of the Parliamentary Assembly.