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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 22. March 2016. 15:18

Member of the Parliament of Montenegro’s Delegation to PACE Ms Snežana Jonica takes part in the Conference in Sofia

Conference “Equal enjoyment of human rights and freedoms by persons with disabilities: Achievements and challenges” 

Member of the Parliament of Montenegro’s Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and Chair of the Sub-Committee on Disability and Inclusion Ms Snežana Jonica took part in the international conference titled: “Equal enjoyment of human rights and freedoms by persons with disabilities: Achievements and challenges” , held in Sofia today.

The conference, organised under the program of the Bulgarian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, by the Council of Europe and Bulgarian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, was aimed at the exchange of experience and best practices on ensuring conditions for equality of people with disabilities and their full participation in social life.

In her introductory speech, member of the Parliament’s Delegation to the PACE Ms Snežana Jonica informed participants of the conference on the activities of the Sub-Committee on Disability and Inclusion, emphasising its contribution to considering topics such as political participation of people with disabilities, inclusion and equal participation in social life, and fighting violence against persons with disabilities. Stressing out the importance of this body, as a forum for exchange of opinions and experiences on the position of persons of disabilities at the Parliamentary Assembly level, she announced that in the forthcoming period its work would be devoted to issues of participation in politics, legal protection and legal empowerment of persons with disabilities.

The remainder of the conference was devoted to topics such as: “Enhancing participation and equal opportunities of persons with disabilities” and “Achievements and best practices to ensure support for persons with disabilities for life in the community”.

The following participated in the conference: representatives of the Council of Europe and responsible institutions of the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as representative of non-governmental organisations from the Republic of Bulgaria in charge of human rights of people with disabilities.