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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 30. September 2013. 11:43

The Conference “Implementation of European Anti-Discrimination Standards” is being held in the Parliament of Montenegro

The Conference is part of the project “Implementation of the European Human Rights Standards in Montenegro and other countries in the region”, led by the German foundation for international legal cooperation e.V. (IRZ)

The Conference “Implementation of European Anti-Discrimination Standards” will be held in the Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, on 1 October, at 10:00, with presentation of publication “Practical Introduction in the European Anti-Discrimination Standards”. The gathering was organised within the “Implementation of the European human rights standards in Montenegro and other countries in the region”, led by the German foundation for international legal cooperation e.V. (IRZ), in cooperation with the Government of Montenegro.

The Conference, as well as the publication that will be presented, relate to the state authorities, education institutions, and NGOs dealing with protection from discrimination. With regard to the subject issues, the experts from Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, and Serbia will speak at the Conference. Additionally, the publication will be presented to the state authorities and NGOs from the entire region as a material for education in the field of anti-discrimination.

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