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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 06. December 2013. 18:00

Commemoration on the occasion of death of Mr Omer Kurpejović

Commemoration on the occasion of death of Mr Omer Kurpejović, former President of the Parliament of Montenegro, will be held on Saturday, 7 December 2013, at 11:00am, in the Hall of the old building of the Government – Jovana Tomaševića Street.

Mr Omer Kurpejović was born in 1929, in Sređani. He finished high school in Rožaje, and College of Administration in Zagreb.

He was the Mayor of the Municipality of Rožaje, Director of “Gornji Ibar”, and member of Presidency of the Socialist Republic of Montenegro, as well as the President of Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro and the President of the Republic Conference of the Socialist Union of Working People of Montenegro (RK SSRN CG).

Mr Omer Kurpejović was elected as President of the Parliament of Montenegro in 1983.

Following that, he was a member of the Presidency of the Central Committee to the Communist League of Montenegro, a delegate to the Federal Council of the Parliament of Federative People's Republic of Yugoslavia and the President of the Federal Council of Yugoslavia.

He was also elected as the MP of the Republic Council of the Parliament of Montenegro and the MP of Economic Council of the Federal Assembly of Yugoslavia.

Journalists, cameramen and photo-reporters who do not have permanent accreditations, need to request them by Saturday 7 December 2013, until 10:00am, via fax: 245-125 or email:

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