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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 22. March 2013. 09:12


The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, opened the First Montenegrin Entrepreneurship Parliament today.

The President Krivokapić stated that the idea of cooperation between the parliamentarians and the entrepreneurs is of great importance for the economic future of Montenegro, and that the Entrepreneurship Parliament is a project that will contribute to building a stable political future of the country.

Mr. Krivokapić pointed out that the cooperation and understanding among the institutions guarantees a long term sustainable development, and that the development of the economy is a key task that the state needs to dedicate itself to in the following period.

At the opening of the First Montenegrin Entrepreneurship Parliament, apart from Mr. Krivokapić, the following also spoke: the President of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, Mr. Velimir Mijušković, the Prime Minister of the Government of Montenegro, Mr. Milo Đukanović, as well as the Deputy President of EUROCHAMBRES, Ms.  Martha Shultz.

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