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Tuesday, 05. February 2013. 09:21

Second Meeting of the Working Group for Drafting the Proposal for the resolution on European Integrations held

The Working Group for Drafting the Proposal for Resolution on European Integrations, consisting of Mr. Branko Radulović, professor PhD, Head of the Working Group, Mr. Miodrag Vuković, docent PhD, member, Mr. Aleksandar Damjanović, MA, member and Mr. Damir Šehović, MA, member, was formed by the Conclusion of the Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, adopted at its fourth meeting, held on 26th November, 2012.

At the meeting held today, the dynamics of the Working Group was determined, which implies cooperation with the chairmen and deputy chairmen of the working bodies of the Parliament, representatives of the political parties in the Parliament of Montenegro that are not part of the Working Group, the Government representatives, the University of Montenegro, non-governmental organizations dealing with European integrations, the Association of Independent Trade Unions of Montenegro, Union of free Trade Unions and the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts.

The Working Group has the task to achieve general consensus, professional and political, on significant process to come regarding European Integrations, first of all defining the dynamics and the goal of integrations, relations of all society factors, adoption of strategic documents and action plans such as communication strategies and cost benefit analysis, for Montenegro to be ready to respond to forthcoming challenges it will face on the path towards the EU membership.

It was planned for the Proposal for Resolution to be included into the Agenda of one of the sittings of the first ordinary (Spring) session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2013.

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