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Tuesday, 05. February 2013. 09:23

Meeting of the representatives of MP Groups with the Head of the OSCE/ODIHR Limited Election Observation Mission

The topic of the Meeting will be conclusions and recommendations from the Report of OEBS/ODIHR on the occasion of held parliamentary elections

Representatives of MP Groups of the Parliament of Montenegro will meet on Wednesday, 6 February 2013, with the Head of the OSCE/ODIHR Limited Election Observation Mission, Mr. Geert-Hinrich Ahrens.

The topic of the Meeting will be conclusions and recommendations from the Report of OEBS/ODIHR on the occasion of held parliamentary elections, harmonizing of the electoral legislation and practices with the recommendations of the OSCE as well as actual forms of cooperation to support future measures of Montenegro regarding implementation of OSCE/ODIHR recommendations.

The meeting will be held in the Red Room, at 12:00 pm. Press release will be published after the meeting.

Cameramen and photo-reporters may record the beginning of the meeting. In case they do not possess permanent accreditations, the request can be sent in writing, by Wednesday, 6 February, by 11:00 am, via fax: 245-125 or e-mail

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