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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 17. April 2014. 11:43

Representatives of Montenegrin Association of Political Science Students visit the Parliament of Montenegro

The students were informed on the history Montenegrin parliamentarianism, organisation, competencies and functions of the Parliament.

Representatives of Montenegrin Association of Political Science Students visited the Parliament of Montenegro today. During this visit, the students were informed on the history Montenegrin parliamentarianism, organisation, structure, competencies and functions of the Parliament. In addition, they were informed on functioning of parliamentary working bodies and MP groups, and the key topics covered were the current 25th Convocation and the manner of following the sittings.

Cooperation between the Parliament of Montenegro and Montenegrin Association of Political Science Students has begun three years ago.

The students’ tour has been organised within the project “Open Parliament”, which allows individual and collective visits, aimed at informing as many as possible citizens on the work of the Parliament of Montenegro.

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