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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 25. June 2014. 18:42

Meeting of the member of the Parliament, Mr Genci Nimanbegu, with Turkish academicians – historians held

Member of FORCA, Mr Genci Nimanbegu, met today with Turkish academicians – historians and professors from the University in Ankara: Mr Muhammet Savaş Kafkasyalı, Mr Bahadir Gucuyeter and Mr Hasan Bekdes

The interlocutors spoke on the topic of multicultural connections of Montenegro and Turkey. By meeting with the member of the Parliament, Mr Nimanbegu, they expressed interest in general and current state of Islam and religion in Montenegro, through the history, the present and prospects for the future - how would it be represented and how the future development of Islam and other religions and freedom was viewed. Also, there was the discussion about how the world saw Islam today.

Mr Muhammet Savaş Kafkasyalı, Mr Bahadir Gucuyeter and Mr Hasan Bekdes are currently working on the project "Islam in the Balkans" and are planning to draft a compilation of scientific research through their work, as well as a documentary on the subject.

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