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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 04. August 2014. 16:39

Overview of parliamentary activities

Information on legislative and oversight activities and Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for strengthening the legislative and oversight role have been published

Previous period was marked by numerous parliamentary legislative and oversight activities. In the period from 1 January to 31 July 2014, 11 sittings of the first ordinary (spring) session were held as well as two sittings of the extraordinary session of the 25th Convocation of the Parliament of Montenegro, where a total of 88 documents were adopted, out of which 27 laws and 28 amendments to the law. 541 amendments to the proposal of acts were considered at the sittings of the Parliament, out of which 349 amendments were accepted. Two special sittings dedicated to the Prime Minister's hour were held as well as three special sittings dedicated to the Prime Minister’s hour and the parliamentary questions, where the Prime Minister of Montenegro was asked 30 questions and members of the government 173 parliamentary questions, as well as 25 additional questions.

It is important to note that the working bodies of the Parliament of Montenegro in the mentioned period held 186 meetings, where 549 items of the agenda were considered, including 157 proposals for the law. 785 amendments were considered at the meetings of the working bodies. In the same period, the working bodies held six control and 20 consultative hearings.

More detailed information regarding the activities of the Parliament during the reporting period with a list of adopted laws can be found in the Information.

Semi-annual report on the implementation of the 2014 Action Plan for strengthening the legislative and oversight role of the Parliament has been published todayon the website of the Parliament for the period from 1 January to 30 June. The Action Plan contains 77 activities and measures with the explanation, the holders, completion deadlines and indicators of success, out of which continuous implementation was envisaged for 32 measures and anticipated deadline for the implementation of 13 measures was the end of June. During the reporting period, all 13 measures were conducted that were envisaged for thehalf-year period, while out of 32 measures, which should be carried out continuously during the year, only implementation of two measures was not recorded in the reporting period. Overall, having a look at the time limited and continued activities planned for the first half of the year, it could be said that 43 of the 45 planned measures and activities are implemented as envisaged by the Action Plan.

In order to fully inform the public about the work of the Parliament, data on the participation of MPs in the debates in the parliamentarysittings during the reporting period were published. These statistics were taken from the conference system (based on the active microphone) of the Plenary Hall of the Parliament of Montenegro. 

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