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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 24. October 2014. 13:34

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro in Rome

27 October 2014 - Meeting of chairpersons of committees specialised in agriculture, industrial development and small and medium-sized enterprises

Mr Aleksandar Damjanović, Chairperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget and Mr Predrag Sekulić, Chairperson of the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning will attend the Meeting of chairpersons of committees specialised in agriculture, industrial development and small and medium-sized enterprises, which will be held in Rome, on 27 October 2014, within Italian presidency of the European Union.

The Conference will include three sessions devoted to European way to quality food: land protection, eco-friendly organic farming and protection of traditional products;internationalisation of SMEs; and reaching the objective industrial renaissance of 20% of GDP by 2020.

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