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Monday, 27. October 2014. 17:02

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro in Rome

Within Italian presidency of the European Union, Meeting of Chairpersons of Committees Specialised in Agriculture, Industrial Development and Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises was held in Rome on 27 October 2014.

Delegation was composed of: Chairperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget Mr Aleksandar Damjanović and Chairperson of the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning Mr Predrag Sekulić.

The meeting included three sessions devoted to European way to quality food: land protection, eco-friendly organic farming and protection of traditional products;internationalisation of SMEs; and reaching the objective industrial renaissance of 20% of GDP by 2020.

The first session was about: sufficiency of funds envisaged by new common policy for “greening”, reform of quality scheme, concept of land protection which should improve the agriculture and contribute to preservation of the environment and strengthen cross sector policies, adequacy of Commission’s proposals relating to organic agriculture and exceptions in technical production and system control as well as food waste and how to avoid it. The second session which was aboutinternationalisation of SMEs, included topic such as: the importance of the internationalisation and its influence to small and medium enterprises, whether current initiatives for supporting small and medium enterprises are sufficient as well as significance valuable chains and how their potential can be used. Within third session, participants discussed, inter alia, issues relating to: need for establishing common industrial policy and its possible models, activities and measures that should be taken both at European and national level with the aim of improving the competitiveness of SMEs, increasing funds for investments in small and medium enterprises and significance of research for industry growth.

Following the introductory statements by President of the Senate of the Republic Mr Pietro Grasso and President of the Chamber of Deputies Ms Laura Boldrini, the following took part in the discussion: Mr Maurizio Martina, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Affairs of Italy, Mr Czesław Adam Siekierski, Chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament, Mr Carlo Calenda Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Mr Paolo de Castro, member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament, Ms Marta Marti Carrera, Entrepreneurship and SME Committee, Mr Antonio Tajani, Vice President of the European Parliament and Ms Federica Guidi, Minister for Economic Development.

Members of Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro participated actively in this gathering.

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