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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 08. March 2013. 10:21

International Seminar: “Experiences of Italy, Bulgaria and the Balkans in research, confiscation and administration of property obtained in criminal activities. Best practices and comparison of the legal framework” held in Hotel Crna Gora on 7th March

The seminar with the aim of exchange opinions of Italy, Bulgaria and the Balkans in the area of research, confiscation and administration of property obtained in criminal activities was held on 7th March, 2013, in Hotel Crna Gora.

As part of this so called SAPUCCA project, lasting thirty months, promoted by the Italian Provence Caserta, the final conference was planned to be held in Brussels at the end of the month.

Opening statements were delivered by: the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Montenegro, H.E. Mr. Sergio Barbanti, the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to Montenegro, H.E. Ms. Maja Nikolova Dobreva, Mr. Francesko Paolo de Felice – executive manager in the Provence Caserta and Ms. Snežana Jonica, Member in the Parliament of Montenegro.

In the second part of the seminar, the panelists were: Ms. Natalie Argiro, observer of law making in the Provence Caserta, Rosita, on behalf of the Center of Democracy Studies in Bulgaria, and Mr. Julian Razpopov, inspector, CEPACA, also from Bulgaria. One of the panelist was also Mr. Mauro Baldasino, research-action coordinator of “Tesla“ Association.

During the last part of the seminar, Ms. Milanka Otović spoke on behalf of the Minister of Finance, and on behalf of the NGO “Center for political education“, Mr. Dragiša Janjušević, and Mr. Osman Nurković, assistant Director of the Property Administration.

At the very end, all presenters were unanimous in thinking that the seminar was very educational; emphasizing that deepening the cooperation would be very good.

Apart from MPs Ms. Snežana Jaonica and Mr. Obrad Gojković, the seminar was attended by the representatives of the professional service of the Parliament, the Committee on Political System, Justice and Administration, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget, the Committee on European Integrations, the Committee on Health, Labor and Social Welfare ant the Anti-corruption Committee.

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