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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 05. November 2014. 13:15

MPs Genci Nimanbegu and Nik Gjeloshaj hold a press conference

FORCA MP Genci Nimanbegu and Albanian Alternative MP Nik Gjeloshaj today held a press conference in order to inform the public that they had filed a criminal charge against tabloid “Informer CG”.  

In their statement, MPs said that they filed a criminal charge against tabloid “Informer CG”, editor-in-chief of tabloid “Informer CG”, author of the text in tabloid “Informer CG” with initials E.I. and author of the text with initials B.V. in tabloid “Informer CG” for reasonable doubt that by publishing texts and headlines in this tabloid, on 16 October 2014, they committed a criminal offence of incitement of national, ethnic, or religious hatred in prolonged duration, from Article 370 paragraph 4 in relation to Article 49 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code of Montenegro.

At today’s press conference, MP emphasised that they filed a criminal charge because they had expected that competent institutions would act ex officio.

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