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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 08. March 2013. 10:25

The Parliamentary Forum on renewable energy sources ended

Parliamentary forum titled: “International Cooperation regarding renewable energy sources -  the role of regional and global agencies in promoting renewable energy sources and new energy networks”, organized by the Parliament for Climate Change, was held in the period from 7th to 8th March 2013, in Brussels.

During the second day two sessions were held: “Starting private investment” and “Cooperation of  parliaments in strengthening political frameworks regarding renewable sources of energy”, with the speakers: Mr. Rintaro Tamaki, Deputy Secretary General of the OECD for environment, development and finance, Mr. Josué Tanaka, Director Executive of the Sector for planning of energy efficiency to the European Bank for Reconstruction Development; Mr. Philippe Benoit, Director of the Sector for energy efficiency and environment to the International Energy Agency; Ms. Villa Kulild, Director Executive of Norwegian Agency for Cooperation Development and Mr. Nicholas Dunlop, Secretary General of the Parliament for Climate Change to the UNDP.

Within the framework of the planned activities, the Meeting of the regional groups from Europe, Asia, and Africa was held, where the MP Mr. Šefkija Murić had an individual presentation, who participated in this Forum at the invitation.

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