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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 08. March 2013. 10:27

“Women Parliament“ held

Members of the Government answered the questions of the participants.

Vice-President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Branko Radulović, professor PhD, opened the Session of the Women Parliament today, organized by the Gender Equality Committee for the second year in a row, when members of the Government of Montenegro answered the questions of the participants, representatives of women associations of parliamentary parties, as well as representatives of the civic society. In his opening speech, the Vice-President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Branko Radulović, professor PhD, said that the Constitution of Montenegro recognized the gender equality, and that a number of laws in that field were adopted, but that the practice indicated differently. As he said, presence of the women in the Parliament should be strengthened. He also emphasized that he expected this field to be improved through the process of joining the European Union. Ms. Nada Drobnjak, the Chairwoman of the Gender Equality Committee pointed out that there was good results in improving women human rights, in the last ten years. Today, we should refer to those results with criticism, aware of the fact that the gender equality has provoked chain reaction beneficial for everybody, in the same way in which inequality effect has transferred from an individual to family and society. With existence of prejudice, stereotypes, hypocrisy, customary law there are still fields of the social injustice, fields in which women are still discriminated are: violence against women and domestic violence; workplace discrimination; possession i.e. non-possession of movable or immovable property; low political presentation of women in institutions; pressure of conservative circles on women human rights and freedoms. We are aware of the fact that in Montenegro more dedication should be paid to promotion and protection of the women human rights and gender equality because they are necessary for democratic development of the society.

Members of the Government answered 22 questions of the representatives of women associations of parliamentary parties as well as representatives of the civic society.

Women Parliament was organized by the Gender Equality Committee, on the occasion of 8th March, International Women Day, aimed at promotion of women human rights.

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